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    Automarshal ALPR Video Analytics Works with Nx

    by | Jun 13, 2022

    Automarshal ALPR Video Analytics Works with Nx


    Categories: ANPR

    Compatible Nx Version: Nx Witness 3.2, Nx Witness 4.0, Nx Witness 4.1

    Integrated with Nx: Server API

    About Automarshal

    Automarshal reads number plates with the highest recognition accuracy, generates various types of reports, allows creating user lists, controlling barrier gates and traffic lights, and much more.

    For each recognized car Automarshal sends an HTTP Generic event to Nx Witness.

    Event include information includes:
    • source – video channel name.
    • caption – recognized number plate.
    • description – user lists (in Automarshal).
    • timestamp – recognition timestamp.
    • Metadata – PlateStencil – recognized plate stencil (e.g. BE_N02_0aaa000).

    Video Demo



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