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    Seagate Works with Nx Webinars

    by | Jun 13, 2022

    Seagate Works with Nx Webinars

    8th - 10th December | Virtual Event

    Join Nx as we explore global storage technology leader Seagate’s purpose-built surveillance hardware solutions and learn how Network Optix is working with Seagate to test high availability, high-throughput storage technologies designed to meet the challenges of enterprise IP video management.

    Event Details

    OCEANIA - Nx Solutions Webinar with Seagate

    December 8th, 2020

    Mat Harrison
    Network Optix
    Danny Lim

    APAC (English) - Nx Solutions Webinar with Seagate

    December 9th, 2020

    Andy Wen
    Jason Lee
    Network Optix
    Danny Lim

    Nx & Seagate 亞太區線上研討會 – 中文場

    December 10th, 2020

    誠摯邀請各位於12月10日星期四加入我們,一同探索由儲存技術領導者Seagate希捷科技帶來專為監控設計的系統架構。在面臨企業對影像管理需求不斷提升的時代, 看Network Optix如何攜手希捷, 妥善規劃出高實用性及高存取量的儲存解決方案。

    Andy Wen
    Network Optix
    Brian Chen

    Europe - Nx Solutions Webinar with Seagate

    December 10th, 2020

    James Cox
    Network Optix
    Paul Anderson
    Steve Jones

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