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    Case Study

    Niche Cars Group Supercar Showroom – Thailand

    by | Jun 13, 2022

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    HD IP Cameras



    Niche Cars Group, Thailand's leading high-end distributor of luxury automotive brands, carries a variety of brands including Lamborghini, McLaren, and Lotus among two separate locations. 

    Following growing concerns over the declining reliability of their outdated system, Niche Cars Group decided to pursue a system that would allow them to maintain a high level of security to protect both their high-end car inventory and their VIP clients, without requiring an update in the CCTV cameras already in place at their two locations.

    Ultimately, management decided to implement a modern VMS (Nx Witness) equipped with video analytics and system monitoring to mitigate their growing safety concerns.


    Project Challenges

    Niche Cars Group wanted a solution that would address the following key questions:
    • How can IP video be used in conjunction with a VMS to strengthen potential weak points and mitigate concerns of theft while remaining cost-effective?
    • How can IP video be used in conjunction with a VMS to optimize system reliability and allow for seamless integration with current hardware and quick adoption by staff?

    Nx Witness VMS offers a solution.

    Network Optix and CCTV worked together to develop a surveillance solution that addressed each concern according to the given parameters. Nx provided the video management system (Nx Witness VMS) and CCTV provided the hardware (110 HD IP Cameras).

    • Nx Witness VMS and HD IP Cameras capture video of visitors across 2 sites that operators access from a central control room.
    • Nx Witness VMS is able to discover and stream all existing CCTV cameras instantly.
    • System operators adopt and begin using the system immediately without training due to the simple UX built into Nx Witness
    • System operators easily manage and monitor existing cameras across the two sites with maximum reliability and connectivity.

    Technologies Used

    • HD IP Cameras




    “Nx Witness, as always, is very stable. Especially during the migration from the existing system. It was not difficult to discover the existing cameras.”



    “We are satisfied with Nx Witness – it’s extremely easy to use.”

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