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    Case Study

    Cheng Gong Elementary School

    by | Jun 13, 2022

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    DTV Cameras



    Cheng Gong Elementary School's existing surveillance system required multiple viewing interfaces which made system management and operation by teachers and staff a difficult task. 

    Upon assessing their outdated system, school officials decided to pursue a video management system that would simplify surveillance processes and allow teachers and staff to easily monitor students throughout the campus.

    Ultimately, management decided to implement a modern VMS (Nx Witness) equipped with simplistic usability features to match their security expectations.


    Project Challenges

    Cheng Gong Elementary School officials wanted a solution that would address the following key questions:

    • How can video be used in conjunction with a VMS to simplify surveillance operations while ensuring the safety of students?
    • How can video be used in conjunction with a VMS to enable use by school officials with minimal training?

    Nx Witness VMS offers a solution.

    Network Optix and Magna Hong worked together to develop a surveillance solution that addressed each concern according to the given parameters. Nx provided the video management system (Nx Witness VMS) and Magna Hong provided the hardware (133 DTV Cameras).

    • Nx Witness VMS and DTV Cameras capture video of students, faculty, and visitors at entrance points and across the facility that operators access from a centralized location.
    • Nx Mobile's simplistic user interface allows teachers and staff to adopt and begin using the system immediately with little to no training.
    • If a System Operator needs to investigate an occurrence they simply open Nx Witness VMS and search archived video for a particular tag, bookmark, etc. Nx Witness VMS captures and stores metadata which allows operators to search an entire year of archived video in seconds using associated metadata (tags, bookmarks, etc).
    • Nx Witness VMS' grid and customizable layouts features allow operators to view and manage all cameras through a single, simple-to-use interface.

    Technologies Used

    • HD IP Cameras




    “[Nx Witness] perfectly managed all DTV cameras – without the limitation of fixed channel display of DVTs – and the school’s users are able to design their own layouts to be whatever they want.” – Magna Hong Project Manager”



    “Nx Witness’ smart search is amazing! To be able to use Nx Mobile to monitor the campus from anywhere is awesome. The flexible layout design is also my favorite!” – Chen Gong Staff Member

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