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    Nx Global Newsletter: August 2024

    by | Aug 22, 2024

    Welcome to the August 2024 Edition of the Network Optix Global Newsletter!

    To start off, we're excited to share that Network Optix has earned a spot on the Inc. 5000 list for the 9th year in a row - a significant achievement that reflects the dedication and hard work of our global team. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout our journey and we'll see you in year 10!

    In this month’s edition, we’re giving you a sneak peek at some of the brand-new features in Gen 6, the next generation of the Nx software lineup. Plus, don’t miss our new segments: Pets of Nx, where we highlight our furry work companions, and A Monthly Look at Computer Vision, where we explore how the power of Nx EVOS and AI can revolutionize different industries - this month’s focus: marine navigation. Dive into this month's issue for all these highlights and more!

    What's new in this month's newsletter?

    Company News


    Network Optix Earns a Spot on Inc 5000 

    We're thrilled to announce that Network Optix has secured a spot on the Inc. 5000 list for the 9th year running! Discover the significance of this achievement and what it means for our ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence.

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE arrow_outward

    General vs. Narrow AI Blog Featured Image (1)

    General AI VS Narrow AI

    Get the lowdown on AI’s real capabilities with our latest article. Learn the difference between general and narrow AI, how narrow AI powers everyday technology (including Network Optix solutions), and why it’s not as scary as it might seem.

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE arrow_outward


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    Open VS Closed Systems

    Choosing between open and closed systems can make a big difference in technology deployment and innovation. Our latest analysis breaks down the key differences, highlighting the flexibility and integration benefits of open systems like those offered by Network Optix.

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE arrow_outward

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    Computer Vision & Nx

    Dive into the essentials of computer vision and its transformative impact. Discover how advanced AI techniques, like deep learning, are revolutionizing video analysis and how Network Optix integrates these innovations into Nx Witness and Nx EVOS for smarter, more efficient solutions.

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE arrow_outward


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    80 Years of Computer Vision History

    Explore the evolution of computer vision in our latest blog post. We take you through its journey from foundational concepts to cutting-edge AI, showcasing how far we've come and where this technology is headed.

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE arrow_outward

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    Nx Hackathon Highlights

    Catch up on the groundbreaking ideas from our Nx EVOS Hackathon! Discover the winners and highlights as we showcase the most innovative solutions and the creative minds behind them. Don’t miss the exciting projects that are pushing the boundaries of technology!

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE arrow_outward



    Product Updates

    Coming Soon-IntroductingNx Gen 6 Pro (1)-1

    Gen 6 Pro

    Get ready for Gen 6 Pro, the next generation of our perpetual software offering, Nx Witness Pro VMS. This bold new release is designed to refine your system operations and enhance your workflows, making them more efficient, responsive, and user-friendly than ever. Key features include streamlined LDAP integration, revamped user management, temporary user access, intuitive camera hotspots, and more - all at the same great perpetual pricing.

    Learn more Here  arrow_outward

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    Gen 6 Enterprise

    Here's an early look at Gen 6 Enterprise, the next generation of the Nx software lineup. This release marks Network Optix’s shift to a cloud-based subscription model, offering new features and enhancements tailored for large-scale operations. Key updates include a new hierarchical organization structure, Nx AI Manager for seamless AI model deployment, Nx Connect for streamlined subscription management, Nx Maps for global system visualization, and more. 

    Learn more here



    New Integrations

    Neural Labs

    Now fully integrated with Nx software, Neural Labs offers a suite of advanced solutions designed to enhance situational awareness, improve security, and streamline operations across various sectors such as traffic management, logistics, and access control. This integration delivers deeper insights and optimized data processing, empowering you to make more informed decisions and improve operational efficiency.

    Learn more about the Integration here arrow_outward




    AZOR is now fully integrated with Nx software, offering advanced analytics to enhance your surveillance capabilities. This integration enables smarter, real-time threat detection and response, making your video management system more efficient and secure. 

    Learn more about the Integration here arrow_outward



    Monthly Look at Computer Vision: Marine Navigation

    Each month, we’ll explore a different potential computer vision application that could be powered by Nx EVOS. This month, we're navigating the depths with a focus on marine navigation!

    Enhancing Marine Navigation with Computer Vision and Nx EVOS

    We know more about the worlds and stars around us than we do the ocean of our own planet, and for good reason. From hidden obstacles and unpredictable weather to the mysteries of the deep, navigating the deep oceans of our planet is a unique and challenging task. But with the rise of computer vision usage, we’re entering a new golden age of exploration. This study dives into how integrating computer vision and AI plugins with Network Optix's Nx EVOS platform can breathe life anew into deep-sea exploration, enabling autonomous operations that rival the unmanned probes exploring distant planets.

    Challenges Beneath the Surface

    The deep ocean is one of, if not the last frontier on Earth, largely unexplored and filled with many unknowns. Traditional exploration tools like sonar and radar only scratch the surface - literally - leaving much of the underwater world hidden from our view. Navigating these depths presents unique challenges, from avoiding submerged obstacles to contending with extreme pressure and darkness. Even with the best tools available, human error and limited visibility can lead to costly and dangerous mistakes.

    How Computer Vision Lights up the Dark

    Imagine a fleet of autonomous vessels, each equipped with cameras that can continuously monitor their surroundings without human intervention. These vessels aren’t just capturing images, they’re processing the data in real-time, identifying underwater formations, detecting marine life, and navigating complex terrains without human intervention. Computer vision enables these vessels to see and understand their environment in ways that traditional sensors can’t, providing a critical edge in deep-sea exploration.

    In the depths where the light barely penetrates and where traditional manned vessels might falter, special computer vision systems can still function, detecting subtle changes in the environment that might signal a potential hazard or a brand new discovery. This technology isn’t just increasing the safety of explorers, it’s opening up new possibilities for exploration, allowing us to venture deeper and learn more than ever before.

    Nx EVOS: Powering Autonomous Exploration

    Network Optix’s Nx EVOS platform takes this possibility to the next level. As a platform that allows you to add and manage multiple AI plugins to process video stream data, the piloting of unmanned deep-sea vessels is greatly simplified. By acting as the eyes for these autonomous vessels, Nx EVOS ensures that all visual data is processed, analyzed, and acted upon efficiently.

    With Nx EVOS, operators - whether onshore or aboard a vessel - can monitor every camera feed, overlaying AI-generated insights that highlight potential points of interest or danger, on top of that, due to its highly customizable nature these can be designed to operate on their own. And because Nx EVOS is scalable, it can support everything from a single research vessel to a fleet of autonomous explorers, ensuring that the technology can grow alongside the mission.

    Autonomous Deep-Sea Missions

    Just as space agencies deploy unmanned probes to distant planets, we can now send autonomous vessels into the deep ocean, equipped with computer vision and Nx EVOS to explore and gather data. These vessels can map the ocean floor, study marine ecosystems, and even search for signs of life in places we’ve never reached before, all without direct human contact. Imagine a vessel diving to the ocean’s depths, navigating treacherous underwater landscapes while capturing high-definition video and analyzing it in real time. This isn’t just science fiction - it’s the future of ocean exploration, allowing us to uncover the mysteries of the deep without ever getting our feet wet.

    The Deep Ocean: A Frontier from Afar

    For those of us who are fascinated by the ocean but content to admire it from a safe distance, this potential technology offers the perfect solution. Like sending a probe to space, autonomous vessels equipped with computer vision built upon the Nx EVOS platform can explore the ocean’s most remote and inhospitable areas. They can safely navigate through complex environments, capturing data that broadens our understanding of the marine world.

    By combining the power of Nx EVOS and computer vision AI with marine navigation, we can redefine what’s possible in deep-sea exploration. Autonomous vessels equipped with these technologies can safely explore the ocean's depths, uncovering discoveries that were once beyond our reach and revealing a world that’s as fascinating as it is uncharted.



    Pets of Nx 

    Working can only be better when you have a friend along. Meet the new monthly Pets of Nx: office companions and home-bound buddies who help us get through our days. These pets are as much a part of our Nx team as the humans who work here!

    Pets of Nx



    Upcoming Events

    • ITS World Congress Dubai
      • September 16-20 | Dubai, UAE
      • What are we showcasing? Nx Go, a visual infrastructure platform for advanced mobility.
      • About the event

    • Smart Factory Taiwan
      • September 19 & 25 | Taiwan, Taipei
      • What are we showcasing? Nx EVOS and Nx Toolkit, a component of Nx EVOS designed for developers to rapidly create customized, enterprise-grade intelligent video solutions. 
      • About the event


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