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    Nx Webinar: Navicops Smart GIS Mapping Works with Nx

    by | Jan 16, 2024

    Navicops Smart GIS Mapping enhances the Nx Witness user experience by providing intelligent mapping, device monitoring, and real-time insights—all within a unified platform. Want to see it in action?

    Join us on January 31st at 3pm GMT+8 for an exclusive webinar and demo of how Navicops, seamlessly integrated with Nx Witness VMS, adds a new dimension to surveillance management.


    When: January 31, 2024, (3pm - 4pm, gmt+8)

    Integration Website: Navicops

    Webinar: Register Today

    Key Features:

    •     - Intelligent GIS Mapping: Unleash the power of intelligent maps using diverse elements such as images, PDFs, and satellite maps, seamlessly integrated into Nx Witness.
          - Streamlined User Interface: Benefit from a user-friendly interface that simplifies surveillance management, offering a cohesive and efficient experience.
          - Real-time Device Oversight: Conveniently monitor IP devices, access the latest recorded images, and check the status of each device—all from the familiar Nx Witness interface.
          - Customizable Dashboards: Empower yourself with customizable dashboards, allowing you to define camera fields of view, assign distinct colors, and seamlessly integrate additional maps for enhanced convenience.
          - Cloud Compatibility: Whether communicating locally with a VMS or operating through the Cloud, Navicops adapts to your requirements for flexible and scalable surveillance solutions.
          - Effortless Visualization: Manage and visualize devices, I/O sensors, Soft triggers, and Maps effortlessly within Nx Witness, creating a holistic view of your surveillance landscape.
          - Direct Integration: Maps created in Navicops become easily accessible web pages in Nx Witness, offering a direct link within the layout for a seamless and integrated experience.
          - Supervision Interface: Cross-reference information and monitor the status of diverse devices to promptly identify and address any issues within your installation using customized widgets on your dashboard.


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