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    ProHawk Video Restoration Works with Nx

    by | Oct 16, 2023

    ProHawk Video Restoration Works with Nx

    ProHawk Vision Server is a software system designed for video analysis and surveillance applications, offering advanced features for video processing, object recognition, and real-time monitoring.


    Categories: Event Detection, Face Detection, Health Monitoring, License Plate Recognition, Object Detection, Video Analytics

    Compatible Nx Version: Nx Witness v5

    Integrated with Nx: HTTP REST API


    How ProHawk Vision Server Works with Nx

    ProHawk Vision Server is integrated with Powered by Nx products via the HTTP REST API. Once successfully setup, video from configured cameras is delivered to the ProHawk Vision Server via an RTP/RTSP stream. ProHawk Vision Server processes and restores the image and retransmits it again as an RTP/RTSP stream to Nx Witness VMS. From there, the restored footage is recorded and archived in the Nx client.

    ProHawk Vision Server Capabilities

    ProHawk Vision Server is a software system designed for video analysis and surveillance applications, offering advanced features for video processing, object recognition, and real-time monitoring. Driideodeoven by computer vision, or CV, algorithms, ProHawk Vision Server fixes noisy, obscured, or unclear live video into sharp, clear video with intricate details. ProHawk Vision CV algorithms reveal each pixel influenced by surrounding pixels, while traditional products manipulate the full image. This produces live video streams that are intelligible and useable for humans, video analysis, AI, and CV.
    ProHawk Vision Server Features include:
    • Scalable Live Video Sources
    • Expose Fine Details
    • Sensor Coverage
    • Preset and Custom Filters
    • Eliminate Effects of Motion
    • Natural Color
    • Superior Object Detection and Tracking
    • Browser Graphic User Interface


    Nx Witness ProHawk Integration Diagram-2
    ProHawk Integration Controls
    ProHawk Integration Parameters

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