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    Arisan Face Recognition Works with Nx

    by | Jun 13, 2022

    Arisan Face Recognition Works with Nx


    Categories: Edge Face Recognition Camera

    Compatible Nx Version: Nx Witness 3.2, Nx Witness 4.0, Nx Witness 4.1

    Integrated with Nx: ONVIF, Server API

    About Arisan's Faceta

    Faceta™ combines the power of deep learning algorithm and the performance of Qualcomm chipset together in a single form factor, making traditional face recognition software server unnecessary. Up to 10,000 faces could be stored within just one camera and up to 10 faces could be recognized concurrently within 1.5 seconds.

    Coupled with CliO™*, a cloud-based CMS and Event Management platform, Faceta™ provides realtime notifications on VIP/blocklist events, face database synchronizations, device health monitoring, event search/filtering/management,incident history exports and user management.

    Faceta™ is suitable and popular among retail venues, residential buildings, corporate locations as well as manufacturing facilities.

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