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    Is Virtual Reality the Future of Video?

    by | Jun 13, 2022

    Chris Milk – one of the leading Virtual Reality content producers in the world right now with his team at Within – believes Virtual Reality devices are, in fact, empathy machines that allow participants to move beyond the role of a disconnected observer and take on the role of a participant.

    Milk and Within use that position combined with innovative technologies to create personal, interactive, human-centered stories.

    During his TED Talk (posted below) Milk discusses the importance in VR – how the videos produced for it will not only be breakthroughs in art – but in humans’ ability to understand worlds currently beyond their grasp.

    Milk believes VR is the last video medium for storytelling because it puts the audience inside the story 


    We here at Nx see the potential of video daily as we hear the stories of how Nx Witness enables the capture and review of human stories – in surveillance, production, demographic analysis, and more – and Milk’s vision provides a potential path forward on how we can expand human consciousness via video. Inspiring stuff.

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