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    Nx Labs – the Intel Compute Stick

    by | Jun 13, 2022

    The Intel Compute Stick + Nx Witness = Sweetness.

    Tony and Charles test out the Intel Compute Stick – a slick little Google Chromecast-like device with the power of a 1.44GHz Quad-Core Intel Atom x5 processor, 2GB of RAM, and 2 USB ports. We put the full Nx Witness platform (Server + Desktop Client), attached a 120GB 2.5″ HDD and went to work to see how well this little beast could perform.

    Check out the video below to see the results.



    The Intel® Compute Stick is a tiny device the size of a pack of gum that can transform any HDMI* TV or display into a complete computer.

    Available with a range of Intel® processors, it’s everything you love about a desktop computer in a device that fits in the palm of your hand.

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