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    CPPower LINE Event Notifications Works with Nx

    by | Nov 18, 2022

    CPPower LINE Event Notifications Works with Nx

    CIEAN PO provides comprehensive video solutions via their software platform and imaging equipment including AI image detection analysis, IOT, access control, business analysis, NVR/CMS platform, and more.


    Categories: Event Detection

    Compatible Nx Version: Nx Witness v5

    Integrated with Nx: HTTP REST API


    How CPPower LINE Event Notifications Works with Nx

    The CPPower LINE Event Notifications function is integrated with Powered by Nx products via the HTTP REST API. Once configured, CPPower forwards Event Notifications populated in Nx Witness to the instant messenger app LINE in real-time.

    CPPower LINE Event Notifications Capabilities


    CPPower LINE is an event forwarding function that automatically forwards Nx Witness Event Notifications to the instant messenger app LINE so you can receive system alerts to your mobile devices in the form of an instant message. Features include:

    • Support for multiple languages
    • Flexible Custom Message Content

    Screenshot (6) 2022-11-18 2022-11-17 (3)

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