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    Nx Solutions Day Thailand 2019 Recap

    by | Jun 13, 2022

    On April 26, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand the Nx APAC Team and Nx Reseller Partner CCTV Thailand got together to show off Nx Witness VMS and Works with Nx solutions.



    Presented By

    Over 80 industry experts  attended Nx Solutions Day in Thailand to see the Nx APAC Sales Team and Nx Reseller partner CCTV Thailand present the latest version of Nx Witness VMS and a few new Works with Nx integrations.

    At The Event


    With over 80 attendees, Nx APAC team reviewed the new features and functions in the latest releases of Nx Witness VMS and Nx Meta VMP.





    During Nx Solutions Day in Thailand, Nx APAC team members gave hands-on demonstrations of Nx Witness VMS, Nx Meta VMP, and integrated partner solutions.





    At the Nx Solutions Day Thailand industry experts gathered together to share their experiences and expertise in working with Nx Witness VMS.





    Photos from the Event

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