License Portal

The Nx License Portal is a tool for Nx Partners to manage license keys. The following functions are available to authorized users, as determined by your company administrator. Below are instructions for each of the functions available in the Nx License Portal.

Take me to Licensing Portal 

Detail Instructions

1. Activate

Assist customers with offline license key activation

  • Description
    In situations where the VMS is installed on a device that does not have internet access, users will be required to perform an offline / manual license activation.



    1. 1. Enter a L​icense Key number and the ​Hardware ID​ to which the license key will be activated.
    2. 2. Click S​ubmit​ and a text file will be generated immediately.
    3. 3. Import the text file to the Desktop Client.

2. Information

Research the activation history of a license key

  • Description
    Activation information about a specific license key or a list of license keys activated to a particular hardware ID. The display will also include activation / deactivation history of a particular key.



    1. 1. Click on the Information tab.
    2. 2. Enter either a License Key or a Hardware ID and then click the Get Info button.
    3. 3. You will then see information for the license(s).

3. Deactivate

Assist customers with moving license keys to new hardware

  • Description
    In some cases, a license key might need to be transferred (i.e. “deactivated” from current hardware so it can be activated again).


  • Steps

    1. 1. Choose a reason for deactivation from the drop-down menu.
    2. 2. Enter a license key to be deactivated.
    3. 3. Enter a New HWID (hardware ID), Integrator name and End User name.
    4. 4. Click on Deactivate Now.


  • *** Each license key can only be deactivated a M​AXIMUM of 3 times.

4. Report

Search for license keys activated over a range of time

  • Description
    Create a detailed report showing license key(s) activated within a specific period of time.


  • Steps

    1. 1. Choose the desired time range.
    2. 2. Click on Generate.

5. License Management

Comprehensive management of license keys by type and order

  • Description
    Comprehensive tool that allows specially designated users the ability to manage all license keys according to actual orders placed with Nx. GENERATE new license keys, get INFORMATION on existing license keys, and DEACTIVATE previously activated license keys - all from one place.

    First, get a quick snapshot of all licenses Ordered, Generated, and Activated - broken down by Brand and License Type for quick viewing and management. Items in r​ed​ indicate that all licenses have been fulfilled, and a new order must be issued to Nx for additional license channels.


  • Generate a license key

    1. 1. Choose the desired brand and click the desired License Type.
    2. 2. Click an Order with available licenses (NOT red). If license keys have previously been generated, they will be listed here (See “G​et information on a license key” below).
    3. 3. Click the Generate License​ button.
    4. 4. Fill in the number of license keys and corresponding number of channels per license key (not to exceed 128). Add the Project Name (optional) to help you track license keys by project, customer, etc.
    5. 5. Review and click C​onfirm ​or C​ancel, ​as appropriate.
    6. 6. A new tab will appear with the newly generated license keys and their associated serial numbers.


  • ***​ Serial numbers are N​OT available ​in the Information functions.You will need to copy these now if you maintain serial numbers for your records.


  • Get information on a license key

    1. 1. All enabled license keys from a specific Order, Brand, and Type are listed along with the date Generated at, the number of Channels, and the specified Project (if available).
    2. 2. Click on a specific License Key to view more detailed information including activation (See “​Deactivate a license key​” below).


  • Deactivate a license key

    1. 1. If a license key is currently activated, it can be deactivated by clicking the D​eactivate button.
    2. 2. You will be transported from License Management to the Deactivate function (see Section 3 “Deactivate” above).